I am so happy to be able to read this short snippet from my newly-published thriller, THE DEVIL INSIDE, set wholly in and around contemporary Glasgow, Scotland.

Listen to me read a little from Chapter 6 and introduce one of the main characters, ex-copper James Boyle, and his long-suffering wife Marie, as they embark on a dinner date like no other.
I chose this excerpt as it doesn’t give anything away plot-wise and if you’ve read the first book in the series, The Devil You Know, set a decade before this new book, then you’ll already know Jim had received an invitation.
THE DEVIL INSIDE can be read as a stand-alone thriller, so don’t panic if you haven’t read it. Yes, some of the characters are in both books, but the story is entirely different both in context and theme.
Find out more about Alex Breck over at my website, on my Facebook page, and my podcast show, ‘Alex Breck’s Banter.’
Pick up THE DEVIL INSIDE as an eBook or paperback in the USA and in the UK
Enjoy my reading and yes, I agree, Hollywood isn’t likely to feature strongly in my career path, but hey, it’s the real deal, right!
Have a safe and relaxing holiday season, wherever you are, okay?
Alex Breck x