Having never done it before, I have jumped in and signed up for NaNoWriMo 2012.
For those of you sane people who have never heard of it –
It is a National Novel Writing Month event held each November where the participants have to write, …wait for it…, 50,000 words in 30 days. That’s all really!
It is free and you enter your word count online where there are lots of similarly afflicted people who can help and motivate you. I think there are several hundred people doing it and certainly when I was signing up at the site there were around 40 thousand people online at that moment. Even in my remote fiefdom, where there is no cell phone reception and a text is just some lines from a book, there are scores of demented individuals gathering in dark corners awaiting the kick off.

The site is http://www.nanowrimo.org
So come on! If you’ve ever wanted to write that book, now is your chance!
50,000 words will be a rough draft of most novels so – just think – by the start of December you could have your book outlined and just needing a little tweak or two and BOOM – you’re novel is done!
I’m off to bulk buy my coffee supplies…will keep you updated with my progress through November…let me know if you’re doing it too.