The ‘battle’ between ebooks and real books is an old one now.
And it’s not an argument that I’m wanting to kick-start here this morning.
I believe there’s a place for both and I certainly don’t share the view that the paper and ink real book will become obsolete like the cassette tape or camcorder.
In a few weeks, I’ll be leaving my wee island for sunnier climes. And I’m looking forward to lying on a beach and reading lots of good books. Where I live, we don’t lie on the beach. It’s very handy at the bottom of my garden. But still, we tend to march purposefully across our beach. At certain times of the year, we traverse it with great caution, often walking at a forty-five-degree angle against the biting wind.
So, being completely horizontal with a good book in my hands will be a glorious experience. But here’s the rub. Do I take bulky paperbacks or my amazing Kindle Fire?
For me, I much prefer the heft of a good book but the practical issues of transporting two dozen books on a plane means I’ll be reading both varieties of book this summer.
And even though I sell far more ebooks than paperback books, I was still pleased to read that in the UK the sales of ebooks has crashed by 17% last year while at the same time sales of real books were up 8% to £3 billion, the highest since 2012.
I don’t think we can write-off (excuse the pun…) the physical printed book just yet then.
Don’t get me wrong, I love the way digital books have opened the doors for so many new authors like myself and allowed more people than ever to read books easily and cheaply.
But do you not feel sometimes, that’s it’s so much more refreshing to take your eyes away from all those pixellated screens and allow your tired brain to absorb the printed words from a real book?
Looking for real books?
In case you’re looking for some holiday reading yourself, why not grab my Gift Bundle of ALL four of my paperback thrillers at a massive discount.
Each one is personally autographed by me too!
But if you still fancy an ebook, I should tell you my latest thriller THE PIPER’S PROMISE is available on Amazon for less than the price of a coffee.
Here’s a recent review excerpt: “Absolutely superb and one you won’t want to miss.”
Let me know which type of book you’ll be reading more of this summer!
Catch up soon!
Alex x
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