Meet Killer’s Countdown Author Wendy H Jones

Killers Countdown



Wendy, we’ve been friends for ages and I’m a huge fan of yours. I am sure my readers would love to hear about you. Could you start by telling us a little bit about yourself and the exciting life you’ve led?


I come from Dundee where the books are set. At the age of eighteen I joined the Royal Navy as a nurse and then the Army as a Nursing Officer. I reached the rank of Major and still hold that rank to this day. During my time in the services I managed to travel all over the world and have lived in many different countries. On leaving the services I worked in Academia for many years, in Teacher Training. Wendy H JonesWords have always fascinated me and I am a voracious reader. I joined the library aged three, which was an amazing feat in those days. I had progressed to adult library books by the age of ten and so began a lifelong passion for crime. In a literary sense of course.


In what ways is Dundee important to your story?


Dundee is central to the whole plot. Detective Inspector Shona McKenzie, the main character in my books, was born in Dundee. She moved away aged two and has not long returned there in the first book. I try to give a sense of Dundee as a place, and also a sense of the people. Dundonians, are hard working, proud, generous and helpful. I do have to say one thing. In Killer’s Countdown, the first book in the series, it is always raining. It doesn’t always rain in Dundee, it is actually the sunniest City in Scotland.


With the world an ever-shrinking place these days, apart from the glorious weather, what is it about books set in Scotland that you think might excite the reader?


Scotland is a land of contrasts. There are the city areas, vibrant and bustling, there are rural areas, with farms, fishing, hill walking, and beaches. There are also wild areas where you can get away from it all and not see another soul. In many ways it is a romantic place and there is something for everyone. Despite this romantic streak Scotland’s biggest export after Whisky is Tartan Noir, or Scottish Crime. We’re obviously a nasty bunch. Be thankful we keep it to the pages of a book.


Where do you get the inspiration for your fiction?


In many different ways. It can be news stories or something I overhear. Ne’er trust a writer, especially a crime writer. I have a T-Shirt that says – ‘Anything you say may be taken down and used in a book.‘ Mostly the ideas come from my very vivid imagination. Given the murder count in my books I’m surprised anyone wants to come anywhere near me.


What is it about your lead character that people seem to identify with so strongly?


Shona McKenzie is like any normal person. She is feisty, caring, tough, soft, loyal and most of all funny. She has a dry sense of humour and I think that may be a part of her that endears her to people. She is also like a mongoose with a snake. She never lets go until she catches her criminal.


When you are not writing what types of books do you read? What would you say was the best book you have ever read?


I read mainly crime books but sometimes the odd chic lit or romance. As far as I am concerned any time is a good time to be reading a book. The best book I have ever read is a tough one. Every book I read is my favourite at that time. Then I pick up another one and off I go again. The last one which engrossed me so much that I was up all night reading was The Colour of Law by Mark Gimenez.


Wendy, I know you are working on something at the moment! Without giving too much away can you tell us something about it?


I am just finishing up the editing of Killer’s Craft, the second book in the DI Shona McKenzie Mysteries. In this book Shona is in the middle of another big case and on the hunt for a killer. Many of the characters from the first book are developed in this. It is a stand alone book, but those who read it after Killer’s Countdown will see the character development more clearly.


Now we are getting personal. What is your favourite food?


As I’m Scottish I should really say something like haggis, or fish and chips. However, my big love is Indian food. I also enjoy cooking a variety of dishes.


If you were re-incarnated as an animal, which one would it be?


It would have to be a cat. A cat is his or her own master and takes orders from no one. They also do a lot of lying around in the sun sleeping. Bliss.


You are already well travelled but if you could travel to any one country in the world where would it be and why? And which country that you have been to would you like to see again?


As you say I have already visited many countries. However, I have never been to Scandinavia so I would love to go to one, or all of those countries. I would also love to go to Myanmar and Vietnam. If I were to go back to any country it would have to be New Zealand. It is a country which pretty much has it all. I am going to sneak in another one here if you don’t mind. I would love to go back and visit Cambodia.


Who is your favourite author and why?


Another really tough one! At the moment I would have to say it is Ian Rankin. Not only is he a highly talented author, but also a genuinely nice person.


If you ever have a day off from creating exciting Dundonian murder plots what do you like to do in your spare time?


I love to travel and do so at every opportunity. I like seeing different cultures and spending time in historic buildings and ruins. Eating at nice restaurants would have to be up there. Reading is my real passion as is technology. I don’t think I’ve met a technological innovation that I do not like.

Thanks very much Wendy, for talking with me today!

Wendy’s excellent crime novel Killer’s Countdown is out now and her sequel Killer’s Craft will be published on the 21st of July.

That’s all for today and it’s back to writing this weekend again for me after a wee break after the sad death of my father earlier this month.

Have a great weekend everyone and let me know how much you enjoyed Wendy’s novel. Her contact details are all listed below.


Yours in writing!

Alex x  alex breck author


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‘New’ Mockingbird release date this July!

News that a new Harper Lee novel will be published has surprised and delighted me!

To Kill A Mockingbird author - Harper Lee

To Kill A Mockingbird has always been one of my Top Ten books

ever since I studied it at school.

This ‘new’ book was apparently written before Mockingbird and has been misplaced in a ‘bottom drawer’ ever since. Called ‘Go Set A Watchman‘ it centres around Scout as an adult woman and to me it offers a tantalising insight in to how the young Scout lived her life after the traumas of To Kill A Mockingbird.

Amidst worries that Harper Lee, who is 88, has been somehow ‘cajoled’ into publishing this unedited book, there has been widespread excitement throughout the literary world.

This has reminded me that I was supposed to have posted my Top Ten Books some time ago at the prompting of my writer friend Wendy H Jones but we have both been very busy lately. I’ve been finishing my Ridge Walker sequel and Wendy has been working hard  with the publication of her first crime novel set in her home town of Dundee, Scotland. Killer’s Countdown is a great read and I will soon be interviewing her for this blog.

Look out for my Top Ten Novels of all time, in my humble opinion of course, later this week!

All the best!


Go here to grab my first Ridge Walker novel on offer right now – He Who Pays The Piper

On the NaNoWriMo Winners podium for the second time!

Alex Breck on the NaNoWriMo Winners' podium again!


One of the NaNoWriMo Winners again in 2014!

Phew! I have written the bare bones of a complete novel, over 50,000 words in just 30 days through November to be be able to proudly stand on the NaNoWriMo Winners’ podium for the second time!

To be honest I am happy just to have completed NaNoWriMo successfully this time, after an awkward month beset by unforeseen problems with work and family.

But it’s a satisfying feeling to be able to say that at last the sequel to He Who Pays The Piper is almost complete and in the editing stages!

I hope that it will have been worth the wait! It’s a fast paced international thriller like the first book but this time Ridge Walker is flung into a complex situation on the complete other side of the world. Can he win this bloody battle between dark forces as old as mankind himself?

What next?

As promised, there will also be a nasty stand alone Scottish thriller out in the early Spring. It’s a dark noir piece but laced with irreverent humour and it pays homage to some of my favourite authors such as Hiassen and Brookmyre.  Although I wouldn’t for one moment put myself up on the same podium as them. It’s one thing to be among the NaNoWriMo winners’ but these guys are something else. Plus I’ve met Chris Brookmyre and no-one can dance an expletive across the page with more panache than him.

I am currently working on a book of short stories of my own and also editing a themed anthology of stories from local authors here in the Highlands of Scotland which should prove interesting.

How is YOUR writing going? This is the time of year to knuckle down and get those creative juices flowing. Especially over here in Scotland where it’s now dark most of the time and raining the rest!

Always interested to hear how you’re getting on, you know!


Take care,


Alex x



Do you sleep well at night?

Check out this cool blog from my new friend Anne Allen and in particular her laser sharp analysis of the state of the indie revolution.

If you are an author like me then maybe you shouldn’t read this just before bed!

Oh and don’t forget my début thriller He Who Pays The Piper is FREE all weekend on Amazon!

Here’s the link. Give it a try.

Last weekend we had a fabulous show of support especially from the UK and America.

Thanks to you all. I am truly humbled and it spurs me on to complete the second Ridge Walker novel.

Before then watch out for The Devil You Know coming soon!







Don’t read this… if you believe in the Loch Ness Monster!


Don’t read this…if you believe in the Loch Ness Monster!





I had to laugh at first, when I read about the media frenzy whipped up by a recent article in my local Sunday paper here in Scotland. It seemed like an April 1st joke which had got out of hand, just another story about those crazy Yanks. For those of you who missed it, the gist is that some schools in Louisiana have been given leave to teach children that the Loch Ness monster is real in an attempt to discredit Darwin’s theory of evolution. But then I stopped laughing…

If you’re not worried about Creationism…

you should be


It’s happened many times before, of course. That old adage that whatever happens in America will eventually cross the pond to the UK.

  • McDonalds
  • 24hr supermarkets
  • 200 TV channels
  • Police on the street with guns

I can remember years ago returning from working in the US to regale my Scots friends with tales of the above ‘monsters’ which are now, of course, ubiquitous in Scotland and throughout the world, sadly.

Hence my concern.

For I was previously unaware that here in the UK, there are private Christian schools which in 2013 are to run Government approved qualifications which mirror the US based fundamentalist curriculum which includes the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) programme.

Let’s just get this straight.




The ACE programme includes such gems as the contention that dinosaurs have walked the earth alongside man and thus evolution can be disproved.

Their textbooks educate children that dinosaurs may still exist the earth and that the Loch Ness Monster is actually real.

There is a belief that man was placed, fully formed, upon the earth, which itself is far younger than science has proclaimed.

Back in the UK, The British Humanist Association has accused the government agency responsible for approving qualifications for failing in their duty to ensure all children receive an accurate science education. Other education bodies have warned that the creationist movement is sneaking in through the back door.


Having studied science at university and being fairly local to Loch Ness I have to take umbrage with all this primitive nonsense. My oldest friend and first true love has lived on the shores of Loch Ness all her life and in fact, perhaps, way back in the day, our antics may have given rise to many of the ‘possible sightings’ of the mythical beast, who knows…

But thankfully, it seems that most people feel as I do.


Why I Hate Stereotypes about Americans

The furore surrounding the Sunday Herald article sparked off debate in social media sites and in a follow up piece in the paper some of the thousands of Americans who visit Loch Ness every year were allowed to add their disbelief.

One fellow from Texas said just after cruising the loch that it might be a good idea to try and ‘actually catch one’ before basing a theory around the existence of a monster.

A lady from Chicago said she ‘couldn’t believe people would be that stupid. It just seems utterly ridiculous to me.’

A student from Louisiana was refreshingly quoted as saying ‘not everyone living in Louisiana has fallen victim to these radical outcries and that some of us still prize logic and reason.’

So, perhaps there is hope for us all yet.


You are of course welcome to visit the exceptionally beautiful Loch Ness, just in case I’m wrong and Nessie does in fact exist. The Scottish Tourist Board owe me one for that!

Of course, as we locals on the West Coast of Scotland know only too well, there ARE monsters living amongst us…, from May until September anyway.


The dreaded Midgies.


Be afraid people, be very afraid…


Check out a parallel universe Loch Ness in my Ridge Walker novel, He Who Pays The Piper on Amazon Kindle.


You can see the original Sunday Herald article by Rachel Loxton at;


Movin’ on up…

He Who Pays The Piper has moved up the Amazon rankings by over 40,000 points in the last 24 hours! Now into the top 7% category. Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest! Keep it coming guys!

Here is the link, just in case…

Also, can I give a huge shout to all the nice people at A-List Blogging who have been so helpful to me recently. Find them at

Take care
