Magical, Musical, Mystical and Lyrical

I attend a Writing Group over on the mainland and sometimes we talk about poetry which is NOT my chosen area of literary expertise by a country mile. But I think we ALL have a few poems that resonate deeply with us.

I was impressed at how several of the class could remember poetry from school word for word because it had touched them so deeply.

That shouldn’t be so surprising as many of us can recite the lyrics to songs that we might not have heard for years. I not that musical but ask me to sing (badly) the words to any David Bowie song and I can cheerfully recite them word-perfect without having to think about it.

I often think that much of what is commonly called ‘Music’ could equally be termed ‘poetry’ once you mute out the distraction of the background sounds.

To me the beauty of words will shine out in music or poetry and it is a form of magic.

Words can weave spells can they not?

I included this video from Maya Angelou (sent to me by Julie from my writing group) because I think she epitomises that mesmerising ability to subtly weave words into something special, something magical, musical, mystical and lyrical.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

All the best!

Alex x


PS: I know I’ve not been posting much this year but I’ve been working hard at completing my stand-alone thriller The Devil You Know which I hope will be published by Seilachan Fort early summer.


Bought The Piper’s Lament yet?

Available in print form here and this weekend you can pick up a Kindle copy for FREE! All I ask is that you leave me a review!musical the pipers lament


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